MY NAME IS JEFF K and i am l33t i haX0r and code mods for QUAKE 2 and WQUAKE 3 and I review vidEO CARDS AND AUDIO CARDS if yuo are a person that works for NVIDIA and 3DFX, emale me and I will review yuor new cards i will do a good job because Im not a dumb fagot like those other guys!!!!! I also maek Quaaek mods, my new mod is REAL POPULAR I AM ALMOST SDONE it has laser guns and VIETNAME TROOPARZ and guns HERE IS MY POPULARE STUFF FOR YOU TO LOOK AT: 12 - 9 -99: I haev a new review up : QUAKE 3 AREANA VERSUS KARNOV! it is my best artical yet, pleease read it fag!!@
12 -4 - 99 : THIS is my new site on SOMETHING AWEFUL.com this si a kewl site and I CAN posrt my new computar stuff on here I AM Going to have new reviews and game reviews and sofgtwaares and warez and HAX0R Stuff ok I HAVE REDONDE MY SIET FOR THE NEW LAUNCH HERE SO IF YUO THINK IT IS K3WL, EMALE ME NOW!!! thank u bye 10- 1 - 99: HERE UIS SOME MORE NEWS!!! MEANE peepz try to haX0R me, but it didnt work becuase i jammed the IPXXX address and haX0red the WINNUKE And they didnt WORK!!! HAHAHAHAHA SOME more meane people on my FORUM say they are going to HAXOR me, but that wont work because i AM 373373 and they ARE JUS DUM AND GAY and theyr computars SUX0R not like mine! I HAVE A PETIUM 5000 and 78 terrabytz oif RAM and a 100 byte HARD DRIVE and a 60 inch EGA MONITAR and they probably have an ATAREE!!!HAHAHAHAHAH 9 - 23 -99: M ORE NEWS!!!! DAVID KENNEDY is meane and DUMB! he sented me meane emale and he is on my SHITS LIST! there are a lot of meane people on my shits list but i cannut remamber yuor names SO WRITE ME AND I WILL PUT YUO ON MY SHITS LIST!!!! and then i will haX0r yuor computar, yuo will see! hahahahaaaaaaa if you dont beleive me, EMALE ME FAGOTS I AM UPGRADING MY COMPUTAR to a PETIUM 3000 and a TRIEDANT BLADE and it does fastar graphics than yupors and it ROOLZ!!! i am putting more ram in, but it WONT FIT in the slot in the front I KEEP BRAKEING IT and my dad is dumb and made a CoMPUSA guy put it in what a FAGOT. my computar uis fastar than yuors!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAH YUO ARE JELOUS! I AM SMARTAR THAN YOU AND HAVE BETTER COMPUTAR!!! and the canadiens are dumb and meane too..................................
i will haX0r yuor filez yuo dummies i AM L33T and appz the haX0r and r00lz and i am IN AN CLAN 40 OUNSCE and my friend Jeryy shots some guy iun the ASS with the ralegun!!! YOU SUCCK!!!! 9 - 12-99: I LIKE THE BANDS THE OFFSPRING AND 311 and SUGRAY RAY and PUFFY DADDY and RAMMISTEINT AND i am going to see START WARS today!!! i need to get my mom to by the tickets tho cause i dont have any money$$$ - - - I spent it on the new BACKSTREET BOYZ tape!!! it si cool and you should get it i am in there fan club! NMUMBER 40921!!! you believe it!! THIS IS my first webpage i wrote in HTAML and i will redo it after i get back froim mny friend JERRY"S house, we are building a ralegun to shoot people in the ass with! IT IS made out of a pipe we found in the creeke behind the dump! iut will be cool and ill take picturs of it!!! YO WILL SEEQ!!!!!!
GO HERE!!! it is not as K3WL as mine, but JERRY is k3wl! |